Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Girl Friends....

When you turn 30 people always ask "Do you feel any different?" at the time when I was first asked I would have to say no, but as the year has gone by I have seen so many changes in my life from, how I react to relationships, how I feel about people that don't have the same opinion as mine, how people perceive me and most of all my friendships.

When your a child most of what you hear from your parents you tend to believe as it to be true. I think this stays with us till we get to college when we start to venture out of your comfort zone and start to meet different people outside of your inner circle and start to form ideas and opinions of our own. Sometimes, especially from the ages of 18-25, your opinion changes from your parents and family and you start to rebel. After about 25 you start calming down, your graduating and your starting to enter the "REAL" world. So, that summer break to Mexico is gone and that ski trip over presidents day comes to an end(unless your like one of my many friends that decided teaching is their calling). But the amazing side of all this time is that you have the world at your feet. You can step in any direction and start a life you have always wanted. Its probably the most exciting time in your life. You get to leave the past behind and the future is what you make of it.

While your making your decisions on what direction you want your life to go something slips away. I think more with women then with men and I don't know if its cause girls and women are so judgmental of each other and one thing can ruin a friendship for ever or people just slip away.

So, one of the things I think about the most are my friends, past and present. I remember being on the play ground asking another little girl if she "would be my friend?". You girls know you all did it! I can go back in my life from when I was a little kid and remember my child hood friends and the friends I had as I got older, and wonder where they all were. But also! Why they were in my life and why they slipped away. Then you have those friends that are your friends forever! No matter where you go or what comes between you, you will always be best friends, more like SISTERS!

There are only a few people in my life that I can actually say that I think that we are more then just friends but sisters. They are the ones that you can go months or years without talking and when you do see each other its like time never had pasted. You pick up where you left off and you find yourself back to the two little girls that played house and danced to your favorite songs and was right there when you tried to go talk to the guy that you liked that you thought was oh so cute!

But as the years go life takes you all on different paths. Some marry their high school sweet hearts and begin a family. Others go off to college and use their 4 to 5 years to party and to find themselves away from their hometown or away from their parents. They find jobs away from home and become successful, meet someone special and start a family. Then there are others like me still learning about myself every day and still waiting for the right man to come into my life. As the years pass and the friends start having getting married and having children it just seem kinda weird. I think the first time I actually saw one of my friends with her husband in their own house, I felt like they were just playing house. That it was all make believe and jane would be crawling into my bed next weekend for a sleep over.

This post wasn't suppose to be just about remembering friends of the past and growing up but it seemed to just grow into this. My main objection of this post was about friends but how does fate decide which ones stay in your life for years and years and which ones are just here for a split second and then fade away. There is a passage in the Bible that I can't seem to find that teaches us that there is a purpose for everyone that comes into our lives. They could be one of those people that come into your life for a short period of time to teach you something whether it be bad of good. Then there are those people that come into your life that stay, they are always there, they stay to help you become you. They help you celebrate your accomplishments and are there for you to lend a shoulder to cry on. Those are the people you can call your sisters in life.

But the question is, how does fate decide which persons are the ones that are going to be that in your life? Sometimes we try so hard to make a friendship work and it just doesn't happen. Your schedules are different and it just doesn't work out, you may be in two different places in your lives. But those ones that are meant to stay are the ones that you don't have to work so hard for. Everything just clicks and they are there. But it saddens me the friendships that do slip away and you know that awkward moment that you run into that person and you try to be friendly and may be make a  connection but for some reason it just doesn't happen.

Gods hand is in all of our relationships from friendships to family and more. If you let God lead your path fate(Gods plan) will never fault you but lead you to the people that make you the best person you can be in this life. Those people that stay, those are the people that bring out the best in you and we all want to live a happy life!


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