Friday, August 31, 2012

Feeling Beautiful

All women in this world want to look beautiful and feel beautiful. But sometimes it's not so easy for some. Cancer has affect my family, my friends and my clients. When I have clients that come in that are fighting cancer and going through chemotherapy, they already feel bad on the inside. It's my job to help lift their spirits on the inside by making them feel beautiful on the outside in anyway I can. Take a moment to watch this YouTube video to hear what Laura Mercier, a top makeup artist in the world, and sephora are doing to help women fighting their battle with ovarian cancer. A little bit of makeup can go a long way to lift the spirit of a woman and make them feel like themselves again. Don't let cancer define who you are but fight the fight and beat it and show yourself and the world you are a strong beautiful woman that can survive anything that comes her way!

Click here to find out how u can help fight ovarian cancer

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