Thursday, April 4, 2013

My Final Goodbye to you!!

"I found someone" ~Blake Shelton

I picked up the phone
She said hey it's me
I know it feels like forever since I've heard your voice
But I guess that's how it had to be

So we talked awhile
'Til she said I better go
But before we hung up she said
There's something you need to know

I found someone
It just happened outta the blue
Even though I'm moving on
It don't mean that I don't still love you
You'll always have
A place here in my heart
But somewhere in this new life I've begun

I found someone
Well I wasn't surprised
Still it hit me kinda hard
It's hard to believe a little space and time
Could turn into miles and worlds apart
I said I'm happy for you
You deserve the very best
Since you've been gone I've done some praying
Some searching for myself

And I found someone 
It just happened outta the blue
And even though I'm moving on
It don't mean that I don't still love you
You'll always have
A place here in my heart
But somewhere in this new life I've begun

I found someone
But it took tears and time down on my knees
And it's not who you'd ever guess
Or who I dreamed it'd be
But in the mirror one morning looking back at me

I found someone
Just happened outta the blue
It took everything I had
It took me losing you
But you'll always have
A place here in my heart
But somewhere in this new life I've begun
Looking for my place under the sun
I found someone

Final Goodbye

   I got your letter today with your final goodbye, and its ok cause u have found her! I have always just wanted you to be happy! I just thought it was going to be with me. I thought I could just let you go and you would find your way back to me through time and space. But you had other plans and you met someone else that you want to spend the rest of your life with. She makes you light up inside and brings out that big beautiful smile. I can say goodbye with a promise from her that she will always make you laugh, like we use to do! 

   So, I will let you go forever and honor your wishes. No matter what, you will always own a little piece of my heart. You took it with you that last spring when you left here. From then on learned how it truly felt to love someone and with each and every day my love for you has evolved into something more then I have ever known. 

   This is my final goodbye. You will always live in my memories and dreams. My prayer to the Lord is that you will always be blessed with more then this world can ever give you, always follow your heart in any decision you have to make. I will miss you more then you can imagine but its all for the best! If I see you in the future I wont say a word, just a smile from you will do and I'll know your happy. This is my final goodbye!

Corinthians 13:4-8

Love is patient and kind;
 love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude.
 It does not insist on its own way;
 it is not irritable or resentful
 it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.
 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
 Love never ends

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